Supporting the internationalisation of companies
The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for seeing that there are good internationalisation opportunities available for regional companies. The Chamber’s internationalisation services include the following: the issuing and authorisation of foreign trade documents, the provision of internationalisation trainings and conferences, and the operation of the internationalisation committee and the Chamber of Commerce Lounge.
We also actively cooperate with international actors in the region, such as the Provincial Team Finland network. Concrete examples of projects that help the Chamber of Commerce to assist businesses with internationalisation are the Kasvu Open project ( and the Stop Over Central Finland project (
The Chamber of Commerce Lounge
The Chamber of Commerce offers a unique network of businesses and this can be used to find services, experts, answers to questions and information about current issues related to internationalisation for companies trading abroad. The network enables newcomers to international trade to get to know the warhorses of internationalisation and introduces them to other companies, whose experience and networks can be exploited. The Chamber of Commerce Lounge network offers several different services, enabling users to pick the ones best suited to them.
Team Finland
The Team Finland network works to promote the success of Finland and Finnish companies throughout the world. The network brings together state-financed operators that work to improve Finland's international image and these operators’ services for the internationalisation of enterprises and attraction of foreign investments.
The Finnish Chambers of Commerce are linked to the world through the FinnCham Network, which allows targeted countries to ask for advice, forge contacts and utilise internationalisation services.
The Chamber of Commerce organisation
The Chamber of Commerce works to remove barriers to trade, not only on the national level but also by lobbying internationally in the European Union and in other international organisations. The Chamber of Commerce is an international network: there are approximately 12,000 Chambers of Commerce around the world. The International Chamber of Commerce and the World Chambers Network are global organisations. Eurochambres and the Enterprise Europe Network operate on the European level.