Meeting with H.E. Mr. Raveesh Kumar: Doing Business with India

We warmly welcome you to meet with the Ambassador of India, H.E. Mr. Raveesh Kumar. India and Finland share warm and friendly relations which are also reflected on the business engagement between the two countries. There are plenty of opportunities for Finnish companies to engage with India in the areas of circular economy, renewable energy, smart energy, ICT and digital transformation and health technology, among others. Ambassador would present a general picture of opportunities available to Finnish companies.


Time: 20.4.2022 9.00–11.00 (Online 9.30-11.00)

Place: City board meeting room (1st floor), Jyväskylä City Hall, Vapaudenkatu 32 or online


9.00 Coffee

9.30 Welcome to the event

Greetings from Business Jyväskylä, Tiina Järvelin, Business Advisor for International Business Services at Business Jyväskylä, City of Jyväskylä

A general picture of opportunities available to Finnish companies in India, the Ambassador of India, H.E. Mr. Raveesh Kumar


11.00 Event ends

​​​​​​​The online participate link will be sent the day before the event.


20.04.2022 09:00 - 11:00

We warmly welcome you to meet with the Ambassador of India, H.E. Mr. Raveesh Kumar. India and Finland share warm and friendly relations which are also reflected on the business engagement between the two countries. There are plenty of opportunities for Finnish companies to engage with India in the areas of circular economy, renewable energy, smart energy, ICT and digital transformation and health technology, among others. Ambassador would present a general picture of opportunities available to Finnish companies.




Jyväskylä City Hall
Vapaudenkatu 32, 40100 Jyväskylä





The Ambassador of India, H.E. Mr. Raveesh Kumar


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Tapahtuma on osa KV-verkostot toimiviksi -hanketta, jota rahoittaa Keski-Suomen liitto. Rahoitus on TEM:n AKKE-rahoitus (Alueiden kestävän kasvun ja elinvoiman tukeminen määräraha)